Sunil Bhaskaran, Speaker, Trainer for Solopreneurs, Founder of the Global Small Business School

Our Promise to You:

A High Quality Complete System for a Solopreneur with Extraordinary One on One Guidance & Group Community Support for One Year at a Very Affordable Price - US $5,997 OR $550 PER MONTH.

The Trouble with Most Coaching Programs

In a study I conducted for the last one year, interviewing 212 solopreneurs, - I discovered the primary complaints about coaching programs were:

NOT ENOUGH HIGH QUALITY GUIDANCE: Too little time with the primary teacher and not enough expertise. The coach trainers hired by the primary teacher were not up to the level of expertise that the founder or primary teacher had. They felt they needed way more higher level coaching to learn how to convert prospects into paying clients in a way that they felt good about

AGGRESSIVE SALES: They are either sold the packages aggressively and/or taught to do the same for their own coaching services. Often times, they are given sales scripts to follow which do not align with their styles and are also outmoded and ineffective.

TOO EXPENSIVE WITH UNCERTAIN RETURNS: The lead generation and often the overall training was too expensive and thus put their business at risk

 NO CASHFLOW, RISK & TIME MANAGEMENT: Insufficient attention to cashflow and risk management, planning, strategy and effective time management

 NO COHESIVE STRATEGY FOR ALL ASPECTS OF THE BUSINESSThere was no one stop shop where they could get cogent, non conflicting advice on all the critical aspects of their business

 NO REAL HELP WITH OVERWHELM & PERSONAL BLOCKS: The content from the coach was often overwhelming and not set out in a focused way with sufficient time with a coach to explain the fine points

 FIREHOSING PEOPLE WITH CONTENT, VIDEOS - giving an overwhelming amount of information at a pace that most people cannot cope with.

 OVER TECHNOLOGIZED AND COMPLICATED MARKETING THAT MAY BE PREMATURELY SUGGESTED FOR THE LEVEL THEY ARE AT. It may not be appropriate for them to be podcasters, social media marketers or even speakers. Forcing such roles on people who are not ready, nor inclined towards these roles tends to contribute to unnecessary failure.

We do it Differently in The Solopreneur's Dream

  1. WE MEET YOU WHERE YOU ARE AT: Then create a plan that feels good and right to get you to where you need to be.

  2. GUIDANCE: We provide High Quality Guidance at a pace that works for you. We also help you pick the areas to focus on and the areas to ignore at least for now.

  3. COSTS ARE LOW: The Lead generation and other costs are manageable for most people.

  4. A FULL & COMPLETE TRAINING: everything you will need to know as a solopreneur

  5. CASHFLOW & TIME: Full Support for Cashflow & Time Management and Strategy.

  6. STRATEGY: You will have a cohesive and non-conflicting strategy

  7. NO OVERWHELM: We work with you to reduce overwhelm. The first few things we do with you is to figure out what you need to learn and do first, second, third and so on, so you have clarity and get to work on only what you need.

  8. LOW TECH & EASIER TO MANAGE: We keep the marketing as low tech and less confusing as possible

  9. MASSIVE GROUP & COMMUNITY SUPPORT APART FROM PERSONAL GUIDANCE FROM SUNIL: You will have the options of having one on one supportive coaching with Sunil plus study groups, group calls, Facebook group support for various topics - and you get to choose which ones you participate in.

  10. FAST & SLOW LEARNERS TAKEN CARE OF: Faster learners can take advantage of the recordings (video) of our courses to get ahead. If you are a slower learner, do not fret - we know that very often the slower learners can outdo the faster learners, because they can learn deeper and attain better understandings.

To get joy and success in your business ...

You will need to input your money and time efficiently into a system that gives you joy and success in return.

We designed this system to provide you with the following:

(Based on 3 decades of business & mentoring experience)

  1. AFFORDABLE LEAD GENERATION: An affordable system to fill your webinars and email lists without expensive ads - to prime the pump for an ongoing flow of clients

  2. OFFERS THAT CONVERT INTO PAYING CLIENTS: Master designing and presenting sales offers that feel good and are effective

  3. AMAZING UNEQUALED TOP LEVEL GROUP & ONE-ON-ONE MENTORING TIME FOR AN AFFORDABLE PRICE: Attentive Mentoring with a highly experienced qualified coach, (including refining and practicing your sales offers)

  4. CREATE SPEAKING ENGAGEMENTS THAT CONVERT: How to craft a speaking engagement that is intriguing and converts into being paid and/or gaining paying clients.

  5. FIX OVERWHELM, KNOW WHAT TO DO & WHEN: Mastering & Implementing Planning & Strategy for your business

  6. CASH FLOW BREAKTHROUGH: An easy to use cashflow management system that ensures that you always have enough to cover expenses and savings for as far out into the future as can be done

  7. FREE & FLEXIBLE TIME: A Joyful Calendar with plenty of free time per week, while being productive and keeping your promises

  8. NOTHING FORGOTTEN, TASKS DELEGATED EFFICIENTLY TO OTHERS, THINGS GET DONE!: A Joyful Workflow Project Management System with Affordable Admins and Project Admins

  9. INCREASE YOUR PERFORMANCE DAILY WITHOUT OVERWHELM: Using leading edge socio-cognitive neuroscience, to master your day, week, month and yearly performance without being underwhelmed, bored, worried, anxious or overwhelmed

  10. MASSIVE COMMUNITY SUPPORT: Join Communities of interest and focus, to save time, get solutions and build partnerships. Includes the option of joining the Global Inner Circle - for high level, intentional, but fun networking and connections

Why are we providing all of this AND at such a relatively low price?

Our vision (for The Global Small Business School) is to have 100 million joyful and successful solopreneurs globally by 2050.

We intend to keep our word with this promise.

At this point in our history, most programs do not deliver interactivity with their primary founder / original experienced mentor - not at an affordable price.

This affordability, interactivity and level of course content delivery is what we feel is necessary to cause Joyful and Successful solopreneurs.

We intend to use technology and other innovative means to scale up in succeeding years to make this education more available to the masses.


What you will gain from this program:

  1.  AFFORDABLE LEAD GENERATION: An affordable system to fill your webinars and email lists without expensive ads - to prime the pump for an ongoing flow of clients.

  2.  OFFERS THAT CONVERT INTO PAYING CLIENTS: Master designing and presenting sales offers that feel good and are effective.

  3.  AMAZING UNEQUALED TOP LEVEL GROUP & ONE-ON-ONE MENTORING TIME FOR AN AFFORDABLE PRICE: Attentive Mentoring with a highly experienced qualified coach, (including refining and practicing your sales offers)

  4.  FIX OVERWHELM, KNOW WHAT TO DO & WHEN: Mastering & Implementing Planning & Strategy for your business.

  5.  CASH FLOW BREAKTHROUGH: An easy to use cashflow management system that ensures that you always have enough to cover expenses and savings for as far out into the future as can be done.

  6.  FREE & FLEXIBLE TIME: A Joyful Calendar with plenty of free time per week, while being productive and keeping your promises.

  7.  NOTHING FORGOTTEN, TASKS DELEGATED EFFICIENTLY TO OTHERS, THINGS GET DONE!: A Joyful Workflow Project Management System with Affordable Admins and Project Admins

  8.  INCREASE YOUR PERFORMANCE DAILY WITHOUT OVERWHELM: Using leading edge socio-cognitive neuroscience, how to master your day, week, month and yearly performance without being underwhelmed, bored, worried, anxious or overwhelmed.

  9. MASSIVE COMMUNITY SUPPORT: Join Communities of interest and focus, to save time, get solutions and build partnerships. Includes the option of joining the Global Inner Circle - for high level, intentional, but fun networking and connections.


Details of The Course:

Below are the trainings and coaching for the Solopreneur's Dream:

1. AFFORDABLE LEAD GENERATION: How to generate webinar leads to fill your email lists & your programs

  1. FILL YOUR WEBINARS: This system (using the platform)- once set up - will fill your webinars once a week to get discovery sessions or initial conversations and fill your email list

  2. COST EFFECTIVE AND EASY ONCE SETUP: It is cost effective and easy to run.

  3. GUIDED STEP BY STEP PROGRAM: We will teach you how to set up this system. Group coaching program done over zoom over six to seven weeks. You will get the complete system setup within that time frame (you can also go at your own pace). Once the system is setup with affordable admins ($5 per hour), all you have to do is to show up for the webinars and conduct a few administrative tasks per month (about 2 - 6 hours a month.)

  4. ADDITIONAL COSTS: The additional cost is only to pay for the groups: about $3400 total for the year PLUS the admin costs - about $100-$200 per month.

  5. WHAT IS INCLUDED: The cost to teach and guide you hands on to set up the system is included. We will introduce you to admins who can help you do the administrative work (e.g. reminders for people to join your webinar etc.) and to be there at the webinar to help you.

  6. Group program done over six to seven week sessions. Led by Sunil Bhaskaran.  

Details? If you want details, please click to get a discovery session:

"..attracted 97 new opt ins to my email list, had 26 participants live on a workshop and 8 people booked a consultation... leading to 1 high-ticket sale. "

​“I highly recommend working with Sunil Bhaskaran. Through his marketing strategy I attracted 97 new opt ins to my email list, had 26 participants live on a workshop and 8 people booked a consultation... leading to 1 high-ticket sale. The participants were engaged during the entire presentation. Sunil was fully in my corner from the beginning to the end of the process. He introduced me to his audience in a very effective way that positioned and edified me and my brand. He even went the extra mile by getting even more people to book consultations with me from his network, after the event. Working with him has been an amazing experience and I can’t wait to do it again!"

---- Sean D Stewart, CEO & Founder - Rock Your Gift


  1. The Six Weeks to Six Thousand Dollar / month or more course also known as The Six to Six Course.

  2. A COMPELLING OFFER: Structure and word your offers

  3. CONVERTING TO CLIENTS: Having Conversations to convert to clients. 

  4. PRACTICE YOUR OFFERS : Get to practice and refine your offers with Sunil and with buddies in the program

  5. A COMPELLING WEBINAR OUTLINE: design your webinar to be effective. 

  6. GROUP COACHING: Done over six to seven weeks. Led by Sunil Bhaskaran. 

3 Months of Weekly Group Coaching with Honorary Faculty Lecturer, Mitch Axelrod

Mitch Axelrod is without doubt, the best trainer I have come across who can not only teach you to get clients, but to strategize and with laser like precision, get to the core of what makes you and your business intriguing and extremely valuable to your market.

He will help you do the following if not WAY MORE:

  1. LEVERAGE HIDDEN ASSETS AND GEMS THAT YOU HAVE: How to find hidden assets and value in your business.
  2. CREATE A VIABLE BUSINESS WITH YOU: How to convert that value strategically and tactically into a viable business and selling proposition.
  3. YOU HAVE INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY THAT YOU CAN LEVERAGE: How to find Intellectual Property in yourself, your skills and your business and to convert that into a viable and profitable business while honoring yourself and others.
  4. LEVERAGING WHO YOU KNOW NOW IN A COOL, HONORING WAY: How to find gold in your current business, contacts and clients. Hidden gems indeed that can make your life and business incredibly fun, lucrative and high-confidence-building.

We cannot begin to tell you how excited and inspired we are to have such an amazing and experienced and service oriented professional in our faculty at the Global Small Business School.

Mitchell Axelrod is founder of Axelrod & Associates, a business consulting firm and Axelrod Learning, a publisher of business and life skills training, workshops and materials. Consulting and speaking since 1978, Mitch has presented more than 3,500 live seminars, workshops, lectures, keynotes, webinars and clinics on business, sales, marketing, life skills and playing the NEW game.

The first quarter (first three months is included in your program - FULL PAY can start right away. 3 MONTH PAY starts after the second payment. MONTHLY for 12 MONTHS starts after the 3rd monthly payment.)

You can extend the group coaching with Mitch every 3 months(every quarter) with a special Solopreneur's Dream discount of $500 each time.


  1. YOU ARE A PRIORITY: When you are in the school, and you have completed and passed the “Business Networking Wealth Breakthrough course” that comes along with your program, you will get priority in getting leads and introductions from me to potential joint venture partners and/or potential clients and/or other connections of value 

  2. ONE ON ONE TIME WITH SUNIL: If you pay in full, you get Seven 45 minute private one on one sessions with Sunil Bhaskaran over zoom over the year

  3. TWO GROUP SESSIONS PER MONTH: In addition, two group sessions per month with Sunil Bhaskaran (whether you do payments or pay in full)

  4. You will get access to our Global Inner Circle program private networking group. 

  5. LIFE COACHING Is available upon request - We consider the need for life coaching part of the process. if you need help in your personal life in this program, you can ask for it and get it either via the one on one sessions or in the group coaching sessions.


"We’ve impacted tens of thousands of people through our work. I am so grateful for the coaching I did with Sunil years ago. I highly recommend you work with him if you want the shortcut to reach your goals.”

"Before working with Sunil, I was brand new to starting my business. It took me about 3 months on my own to figure out that just having a business card and an office wasn’t going to fill my schedule with clients…I was barely paying my bills. And it got very scary when I had to start putting groceries on credit cards! Sunil promised me that in 90 days of coaching with him, I would triple my income. I had known him for a while and knew him as an incredibly trustworthy and high-integrity man, so I borrowed the money to invest in coaching with him and jumped in.

Sunil supported me to go beyond what I thought was possible. He provided structures to help me do what I needed to do to get clients and grow my business. He provided me with feedback for how to continuously improve my effectiveness. He gave me the plan and then helped me be accountable to fulfill on the plan to reach my income goals.

And I did! I tripled my income in 90 days, just as he promised. That was just the beginning. The coaching I got from Sunil laid a solid foundation for me to become a successful business owner. My husband and I have now made millions and are considered
leading authorities in our field. We’ve impacted tens of thousands of people through our work. I am so grateful for the coaching I did with Sunil years ago. I highly recommend you work with him if you want the shortcut to reach your goals.”

-- Sharla Jacobs, Award-Winning Million-Dollar Mentor


  1. Super Clarity in What You Need to Do and When.
  2. Income Plan: I help you create a plan with milestones (e.g. monthly goals) for your income and thus how many clients you need and when.
  3. Action: With these milestones in mind, you can start creating a monthly action plan to meet or exceed or modify/refine your milestones as you go along.

To the left is an example of a Plan set of Milestones To Build Income

This plan will be calculated by the Cashflow Tracker software system that comes with the program. This will give you realistic milestones that if you hit, would more than cover your expenses and your savings needs for the year.

Graceful & Effective Accountability Option:

You get a discount for the accountability program we have to help you stay on track for your milestones and goals.


"Not only did I get 8 more hours of free time per week, as promised, but I also had a 50% percent increase so far in income this year with a marked improvement in productivity. Also, I now charge about 50% more without any guilt because I know my value in the market place."

Christi Williford, Founder and Creative Director, Elemental Studio Design Co.


Super Clarity & Breakthrough in Your Cash Flow

  1.  Easy to Use - Cash flow Tracker Software (free to people who purchase the program)

  2.  Super Clarity - this will give you your expected cash balances in two of your accounts (e.g. Personal and Business) for every single day in the next year. You will get an easy to understand color code to tell you when you have negative cash balances in either account. 

  3. Disarming Your Stress

  4. You Having More Than Enough: Armed with this information, I can guide you to create a plan to get immediate cash flow negatives (red colors) to become positive (blue)

So this kind of cash flow tracker with reds (negative cash balances) ...

Becomes this

(where you have more than enough to meet your expenses and savings needs per month - giving you even more money and more time to build towards greater wealth, joy and success)

Creating Breakthroughs in Cash Flow … MORE REALISTICALLY

Armed with this information, we can help you create a workable plan and strategy to get you breakthrough levels of cash flow in the future. There are no income guarantees here. The system and the interactions with us will help you create a workable plan. You are responsible for running the plan with our guidance and help.


A calendar with flexible time and productive/focus

The intention is to move you from this kind of calendar (or anything resembling this)...

To this kind of calendar
(Where you have way more free time PLUS no double bookings or time blocks packed in with no space in between)


"I started with Sunil in a state of total ineffective overload and ended up calm, organized and about 30 percent more productive in my work week. So, that is a gain of 10-12 hours a week!"

Terri Taylor, President & Creative Design Director


  1. Never forget anything important 
  2. Get things done
  3. Always Clear: Always know the status of your project and what is left to do
  4. Bring ease and flow back into your life
  5. OTHER PEOPLE HAPPY TO DO YOUR WORK: Master the art and science of empowering, graceful and highly effective delegation and management of administrative staff


  1. The Joyful Workflows and Project Management Group Program led by Sunil Bhaskaran


Using leading edge socio-cognitive neuroscience, how to master your day, week, month and yearly performance without being underwhelmed, bored, worried, anxious or overwhelmed.

You will be trained in this during the Joyful Calendar and Joyful Workflows programs.


Join Communities of interest and focus, to save time, get solutions and build partnerships. Includes the option of joining the Global Inner Circle - for high level, intentional, but fun networking and connections.

How this is done for or with you:

  1. The Global Inner Circle - Good Deal Flow with Great Relationships. Highly intentional networking with a determination and structure to get you leads or referrals to direct clients, speaking opportunities, Joint Venture partners, referral partners and more.

  2. The communities: All the Facebook groups, group zoom sessions, course zoom sessions, study groups, partnership buddies and more.

Reasons to join this program as opposed to other programs:


I designed a very affordable system called the Solopreneur’s Dream to work with you to get all of this built and working

You get all the systems to get you started and going in your Solopreneur’s journey


Unlike other programs, you will get access to me in either group calls or one on one (if paid in full)


I run this program, like a school principal and the teacher and guide. I take a special interest in making sure that you learn and apply the system successfully (contingent on you being coachable and showing up to do the work)


My vision of 100 Million Joyful and Successful Solopreneurs Globally by 2050 is what drives my passion in leading this program for you. Money is a means to fulfill the vision - it is neither my source nor my end. The source and end is to make a difference for people like you. If this appeals to you, come join us in this school - be part of a community that makes a global difference.  


This is a year-long program (self paced, so you can go faster if you wish) with several group courses, video recordings of previous courses (so you can get started sooner) and plenty of support. One on one private sessions with Sunil if you pay in full.

Join The Pioneer Group

The pioneer group will comprise the first 40 people to join the Solopreneur Dream program. This pioneer group will enjoy

  1. More one on one time with our school principal and founder, Sunil Bhaskaran.

  2. Succeeding cohorts will have less time with Sunil Bhaskaran as he builds out a more effective way to scale and duplicate his skills in a personable manner. He anticipates this to happen as AI technology becomes better at replicating the nuances of a coach for clients.


Please review the table below which includes the features of the program, the estimated dollar based value to you with a justification for that dollar based value, AND what is included in each payment option (Pay in Full, 3 payments, Monthly payments for 12 months).

We are showing this to you to help you see what your investment would be, what possible returns could be on your investment and what bonuses you get for each payment option.


  1. We are not making any guarantees or warrantees around the results that you will gain from this program.
  2. You are responsible for your results. We act as a guide to help you get there and nothing more. It is contingent upon you to do the work necessary to produce the kinds of results you are looking to get.

Choose a Pricing Option

Would you like to talk with me first?

You can schedule a time to zoom chat with Sunil here

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I get a refund if I'm unhappy with my purchase?

If you are unsatisfied with your coaching, reach out to us to see if your purchase is eligible for a refund.

As stated in Teachable's Terms of Use, Coaching IS NOT covered by Teachable's 30-day student refund policy. If you are unhappy with any part of our service, please do communicate with us at [email protected]

How do I schedule my appointments for coaching?

Upon purchasing this program, you'll receive further instructions on how to book a time for your appointment.

How do I get set up for all the other courses and timelines etc.?

Upon purchasing this program, you'll receive further instructions on timings of courses (dates and times and how to access), as well as access to recordings of previous courses, etc.

About Sunil Bhaskaran

Since 1991, Sunil Bhaskaran has been owning businesses, mentoring business & governmental leaders, speaking to small and big audiences, training small businesses through bigger organizations, authoring books published on Amazon and much much more.

He brings a warm and servant heart to all that he does.

He has built a worldwide community of 200,000+ solopreneurs and business professionals on hundreds of meetup groups mostly in North America.

His experience and prior education in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science lends him an ability to smartly design systems for people based on what they need rather than slapping them with systems that cause more overwhelm and pain.

Sunil has lived life fully and continues to do so. He knows what it is like to succeed and what it is like to fight and struggle to overcome trauma and challenges.

This past and deep experience makes him a very sought after and rare type of mentor - one who can listen to you keenly and then help you articulate what you really need, resulting in a pathway to designing and actualizing a solution that works.

Over 200 plus testimonials

Please go here to see more testimonials for Sunil Bhaskaran: